Chanelling with Sarah
Start of transmission
"We are here today to meet and greet with Elders, those of the Apostles, and the key line grids which run the planet around thrice to give life that gives within, take heed and run the line for in this thrice is the key and living in the key is a life well lived, the energy is wholly complete and take it please from within, go to the line in your mind, breathe the energy in, for this will connect you to the stars and galaxy, the lines will breathe life to you and everlasting energy in the divine will, will give you energy you need to take you through to the next energy climax, the lines hold the key, they bring the energy through you and you can align with the current vibration through this, you can visualise yourself at stonehenge and absorb the energy here, feast on the energy and absorb it into you, alignment will take place
We will be waiting in anticipation of your arriving and connecting this will bring a favourable result for the planet as energies and consciousness rises, take head as the lines are the key, go there frequently and download the energy of the place, see yourself rising to meet the sun energy and bathe in its celestial wonder, take a moment to renew and recalibrate, feel your body tingle with the light and vibration of the current energy field, keep abreast of the energy so you can be free of the bindings of all darkness wishing to dominate the planet and please be free from all that is keeping us trapped within
A healthy world is a world that is happy and the world is rising to meet that critea, all illness will be swept away, the journey is long and ardous but this is the long term aim of the long term frequencies beginning to establish themselves in the world, the frequencies are high, they are giving life to those who have nothing, love and divine ending to a new way of being, hate and crime will be no more and the light gives another chance at a beautiful world as first intended not without ups and downs but with sustenance and countancy in the limits of time giving and communing in peace to take old thinking away bringing in new light to raise up and take old energies and divine timing 50 years is seeing the new level, and energy frequencies take a new meaning "
End of transmission